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Privacy Policy

Any time you visit a web site, you may be providing information about yourself to the site’s owner or operator. When you visit or supply information to any web site, it’s a good idea for you to first understand the site’s privacy policies. If the site owner doesn’t tell you, don’t hesitate to ask.

The bottom line at our web site (miad.edu) is that we use information that we get from your visit to enable you to participate in and take advantage of the various programs, events, and opportunities offered at MIAD, and to make our web site useful and interesting to you. We do not use the information that we collect from the site for any other purpose, nor do we share it with any affiliate or third party, except when noted explicitly at the time you provide the information.

Privacy Notice

What personal information we collect and how we use it
When you visit the 91fansweb site, we capture your Internet provider’s domain name (e.g., ‘aol.com’), and the IP from which you connect to the Internet. We also capture the country from where the visit came, and the paths taken as you move from page to page (i.e., your “click stream” activity).
Information we collect on the 91fansweb site may be used to enhance this site in the following ways:

  • Arrange the web site in the most user-friendly way
  • Customize your browsing experience of this web site
  • Communicate with you about special events, classes, exhibitions, and programs
  • Respond to your question or suggestions

The 91fansweb site only collects personal information that you choose to provide voluntarily when using miad.edu, or filling out a form. “Personal information” includes information that can identify you, such as:

  • Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, or company name
  • Log-in information
  • Social Security number or Federal Identification number
  • Credit card information

You are welcome to browse our site without providing personal information. The 91fansweb site does include forms that allow you to request information from us, or to register for classes, programs, or events. Such a form may collect a variety of personal information. Unless you make a specific authorization (“opt-in”), this information will not be used beyond the specific purpose of the form. Some forms may require opt-in for submission.

Browsing and the use of cookies and logs

The 91fansweb site uses cookie technology as part of our web site’s statistical reporting. A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a web site that is saved on your hard disk by your computer’s browser. It holds information a site may need to personalize your experience (such as, rotating images on the home page). Cookies are also used to gather web site statistical data, such as which pages are visited, what is downloaded, the Internet provider’s domain name and country of origin, and the addresses of sites visited immediately before, and after, coming to the 91fansweb site.

None of this, however, is associated with you as an individual, unless you have selected to opt-in to receive further information from us. The information provided by cookies and logs is measured anonymously and only in aggregate. Information from cookies lets us trace your “click stream” activity (meaning, the paths taken by visitors to our site as they move from page to page). Cookies do not capture your individual email address or any private information about you.

If you prefer, you can configure your browser to reject all cookies, or to notify you when a cookie is set. (Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie and privacy preferences.) If cookies are disabled, certain features of the 91fansweb site may not function properly.

We also use standard web server log files to help us count visitors and evaluate our site’s technical capacity. This information tells us how many people visit the 91fansweb site, and helps us decide how to arrange pages in the most user-friendly way. We record information on site traffic, but not on individual visitors to our site.

Email, mailing lists and other services

When you send us an e-mail, we use your e-mail address to thank you for your comment and/or reply to your question. We store your communication and our reply in case we correspond further. We may also contact you later as part of a satisfaction survey. Beyond these uses, we will not use your e-mail address to send you any unsolicited message or information. We also will not share it with, or sell it to, anyone else for such use, other than as specified in this policy.

When you request information or services, we will continue to provide them until you ask us to stop. You may “unsubscribe” (stop) these services by using the “unsubscribe” instructions provided on each e-mail and/or the web site where you signed up and/or as we otherwise provide), or until the information or service is no longer available.

Our policy regarding selling or renting of personal information

Our policy is simple: We do not sell or rent your personal information to any third parties under any circumstances.


How you can decide what communication you’ll receive from us
If you choose to receive them, we may periodically send you e-mail messages describing classes, events, or programs at MIAD. You can choose to stop receiving these emails at any time. Simply follow the instructions included in your email, or send a reply stating your request.

If you do not explicitly choose to receive informational emails, the only email messages you will receive from 91fanswill be a response to an email inquiry that you send us.


How we protect the security of your personal information
The security of your personal information is very important to us, and we are committed to protecting the information we collect. The 91fansweb site uses firewalls and Secure Socket Layers for all personal data we collect from you. We also employ many different security techniques to protect personal data against loss, misuse, alteration, and unauthorized access. We cannot, however, guarantee perfect security of your personal information.

Student Right-to-Know

The Student Right-to-Know Act of 1990 requires all post-secondary schools in the country to disclose their graduation rates and other statistics to all prospective and enrolled students.

The 91fans Institute of Art & Design’s current graduation rate is 63.3%. This rate is based on statistics of students who entered 91fansin the Fall of 2017 as first-year students with no previous college credit. It represents those students who enrolled as full-time students who completed their degree in six years. This rate represents only a portion of MIAD’s graduating population. It does not include part-time students, transfer students or students who started in spring.

The intent of the Student Right-to-Know Act is to provide to the consumer a statistic of comparable effectiveness to be used in the determination of college choice. All colleges nationwide are required to participate in these disclosures.

In compliance with the Student Right-To-Know and Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and the Campus Security Act of 1990, the 91fans Institute of Art & Design makes available its completion/transfer rates and Campus Crime information to all current and prospective students.

  • , updated Sep. 27, 2023
  • 91fansFERPA Policy
  • Campus Report on Alcohol and Drug Programming: 
  • Additional 91fansStatistics through 

91fansSchool Codes

  • FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid): 014203
  • ACT/PLAN Code: 4701
  • SAT/PSAT Code: 1506
  • AP (Advanced Placement) Code: 1506
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Code: 7590

If you need to find a different code for MIAD, please contact the Office of Admissions.

Inclement Weather Policy

If a decision is made to cancel classes due to dangerous weather a notice will be placed on our website. We will also send the information to WTMJ – Channel 4ԻWISN – Channel 12.

In the case of overnight storms, we will make a decision to cancel classes no later than 7:00 a.m. Staff will not be required to report to work when classes are canceled.

Please note that closing the college or canceling classes will no longer be based on the decisions made for the 91fans Public Schools.  

Go to miad.edu or tune into Channel 4 or 12 for current information on bad weather days.

The following TV channels and radios stations will carry any 91fansannouncements:


  • WTMJ Channel 4
  • WITI Channel 6
  • WISN Channel 12


  • WTMJ 620 AM
  • WISN 1130 AM
  • WKTI 94.5 FM
  • WRIT 95.7 FM
  • WLTQ 97.3 FM
  • WKKV 100.7 FM
  • WMIL 106.1 FM

UHC Transparency in Coverage

Through UnitedHealthcare, UMR and HealthSCOPE Benefits creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of the 91fans Institute of Art & Design (MIAD).

To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided: