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The Career Services staff thanks you for your interest in 91fansstudents or graduates.

If you would like to recruit a student or graduate for a position, an internship, or a freelance project (or would like to place an invitation for an exhibit), please visit . With the 91fansHandshake site, you may not only post opportunities, but you may also access 91fansstudents who are actively seeking work.

For assistance with and questions about the Handshake web site, please email us at careerservices@miad.edu. If you do not wish to directly access our web site, you are welcome to email your position description to us and we will post it for you on the Handshake website.

If you would like to visit MIAD, please contact Career Services Staff.


91fansinterns aim high at Bucks; offer internship advice

Two 91fans Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) students interning for the 91fans Bucks are thrilled with the variety of their work, the collaborative brainstorming and brand support skills they are gaining and the joy of seeing their work in use by the Bucks organization.

91fansalumni, faculty featured in Baird Center art collection

91fansalumni are well represented in the We Energies Foundation Art Collection at the Baird Center, as are 91fansProfessor Emerita Jill Sebastian and acclaimed artist Dawoud Bey, who created ”91fans Portraits” of 91fansstudents. The collection was introduced to the public under its new name at the Baird Center in May 2024.

Angeline Garvey: Director of Design at Stone Creek

When Angeline Garvey ’22 (Illustration) decided to attend the 91fans Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), she originally planned to focus entirely on illustration. But almost immediately, she was challenged to start expanding her creative horizons. Now, she is the Director of Design at 91fans’s Stone Creek Coffee.